Fellowship Program

What is ProblemSolvers Fellowship?

The ProblemSolvers Fellowship is a transformative, year-long program designed to empower 3rd-8th grade math teachers with the curriculum, tools, strategies, and mindsets needed to nurture critical thinking, communication, and collaboration in their students. By integrating interesting mathematical challenges, games and puzzles into classrooms, the fellowship equips teachers to foster problem-solving habits that inspire confidence and risk-taking abilities in students.

How does our fellowship work?

  • We partner with organisations.

  • Organisations nominate their teachers and commit student time.

  • Fellows receive a year-long curriculum to implement 25–30 one-hour student sessions.

  • Fellows participate in induction, regular training, and individualised coaching sessions.

  • We provide structures to track fellow and student growth, such as reflection journals, observation notes, and portfolios to collect artifacts.

  • We design assessments for both fellows and students to measure impact.

What’s in it for partners, teachers, and students?

  • Partners

    One-stop solution - From design to implementation, from monitoring to impact assessment.

    Years of experience and research embedded in this ready-to-use curriculum.

    Access to well-organized training and coaching systems managed by external experts.

    Tools and structures for impact assessment.

  • Teachers

    Durable and transferable facilitation skills and mindsets that are content-agnostic.

    Stronger problem-solving skills and confidence.

    Pathway to grow within and outside the organisation as classroom teachers, managers, and trainers.

    Access to a broader community for support and networking.

  • Students

    Joyful and safe experience as they push their thinking.

    Critical thinking skills of pattern recognition, decomposition and data literacy.

    Like skills of communication and collaboration.

    Confidence in their ability to think and tackle unfamiliar problems.

Why work with existing teachers in the system?

This initiative aspires to create classrooms that are pockets of excellence for pedagogy and teacher practices. These classrooms have the potential to inspire and influence other teachers within the system. Over time, we hope this ripple effect will help these practices and mindsets gradually permeate more classrooms, driving systemic change and fostering a culture of critical thinking and collaboration.